Friday, August 20, 2010


I've had a lot of spare time on my hand(s). If I can count a hand that isn't entirely useful. Tybalt sorry for coming home late last night, hope I didn't wake you. I left some money on the fridge and brought some milk. There's custard on the stove. (I love custard)

Lately, there are these moments I have, they remind me of tybalt's freckles, insignificant, tiny things, which will change if I don't glance at them everyday and sometimes change despite all my effort for them not to. Sometimes when things get darker, they begin to fade, and I forget, and her face gets pale and I get scared.

and the only thing I really want to do is open a window and let light in on her face, just so the freckles can reappear again. So I can have those moments back.

but its so cloudy here,
so Tybalt doesn't have as many freckles as she used to.

{photos from}


  1. i'm actually in love with your writing. i want to show your blog to the world. are you and tybalt best friends or partners, or siblings? i cant tell...hope you dont mind me asking.

    well lots of love,
    eri x

  2. This is so amazing, I think this is my new favourite blog.

  3. oh man, i've got much love for this blog,
    i wish i had freckles. Camelgirl above me has freckles...i want freckles.
